Why it is called "screen space"
- Use information only from the screen (post processing method)
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
- First introduced in Crytek
Why AO?
- Cheap to implement, but enhances the sense of relative positions
Blinn-Phong Reflection Model (Ambient Light)
- Now consider visibility(每个点可能会被周围的东西遮挡)
- Assuming uniform incident lighting - $L_i$ is constant
- Also assuming diffuse materials (not glossy) - $f_r = \frac{\rho}{\pi}$ is constant
Dive Deep 深入理解
把 Visibility 拆出去
还可以看成是 the average f(x) in the support of g(x)
这种拿出来的近似 split sum 什么时候准确呢?Accuracy